Monday, March 23, 2009

Grandpa & Spring Time Fun!

FINALLY some spring weather this past weekend! Prior, even a light jacket was not enough, but on Friday and Saturday, not even a jacket was needed (unless the sun went behind the clouds)! Than's dad also came up this weekend to work on the Subaru for us, saving us a lot of $$$! Unfortunately on the test drive after the repairs, something else decided to go wrong, so he now gets to make another trip up! Yeah for spending more time with Grandpa! But we feel really bad, sorry Grandpa! Here are some pics from our fun weekend!
Trestin "helping" Grandpa. More help then he ever wanted!!!

Garrick watching in awe Grandpa working on the car.

So this is our driveway, and you can see how close the school really is. We LOVE it being so close! It was soo nice, we went and played over on the playground for a while that day too.

Garrick FINALLY getting to climb the tree he's been dying to climb since we moved in. I told him when it got warmer. Well, it got warmer!

As you can see, it is an awesome climbing tree. It reminds me of the Whomping Willow on Harry Potter, but ours doesn't move.

Trestin briefly perched on a branch. He was very unsteady, so he was more then ready to get down after the pic.


Trista said...

Wow! I TOTALLY know what house you bought!! I can tell by the third picture that you posted here. I've walked by there many times, loving all the possibilities with the yard there. It made me want my own home SO badly! Congrats again, because I would have loved to have bought that house! :)

Tennille and Nathaniel said...

I can't believe you are finally getting warm weather. I swear we live on different planets sometimes. It must be nice to have someone that can help with the repairs. That saves some serious coin!