Thursday, September 4, 2008

I'm still here...

Sorry for soooo long without a post, I've really been bad! But life has been crazy with a lot going on! Garrick starting school (yes I have pics that I'll post someday!), Activity Day Girls (my new calling at church) started this week, the fair starting today and going till Sunday, house searching, and then to top it all off finding out that we are expecting! I thought that it was just stress. When I get really nervous about something (Garrick starting school, starting back full time, house hunting, how can I get everything done that I need to in such a short amount of time) I get nauseated. Well it didn't get better and it didn't get better... And I was more tired then normal (kids and 7 years of night shift have really throw me and have never recovered) so I took a test. WOW! Very positive! We see the doctor next Wednesday for a official date. But seeing as with the other 3 I started getting sick at 5 weeks, I'm probably around 6 now, so that puts me about late April or early May. So I'll keep ya posted! And hopefully soon I'll get some pics up of Garrick's first day and the fair. Wish me luck!


The Kay Family said...

NO WAY!!! Congratulations!! That would be a suprise if you weren't thinking about it. Very exciting. I have been waiting for Garrick's first day of OFFICIAL school FINALLY!! And house hunting?? Does that mean you are staying in the Palouse inevitably?? Hope you get feeling well soon.

Kirsten said...

Wow! Congrats, that's so exciting!

Ryan and Sarah's Family said...

Congradulations! My #4 was my easiest labor and has been my best baby. By #4 Heavenly Father must think that we deserve it! Hope you feel better soon.

The Yancey Family said...

Oh my goodness!!! I was not expecting that at all, Congratulations! You are one busy girl, if you ever need a break, send those little ones over this way! I am serious!

Jeniel said...

You are going to have a baby!!! Congradulations!!
We miss you so much and good luck on house hunting. I will call you on Saturday and make sure your home. Miss you all tuns